Bond 25 SPOILER news



  • HalconHalcon Zen TemplePosts: 487MI6 Agent
    Matt S wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    I think the simularities to the Liparus set is mainly the red suits.

    I didn't even noticed the red suits when I first saw the trailer. I just noticed the shape of the walls, the blue-grey colour and the water in the middle. It resembles the Liparus beyond the red suits. The scale of the set is also similar to the Liparus.

    I think people are trying too hard to relate it to Dr. No.

    I know I am :))
  • JTMJTM Posts: 3,027MI6 Agent
    Just having another rewatch of the trailer and noticed this shot.


    Does anyone have any theories on where this fits in the film?? A seaplane flying away from what looks like a fishing boat exploding.
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    JTM wrote:
    Just having another rewatch of the trailer and noticed this shot.


    Does anyone have any theories on where this fits in the film?? A seaplane flying away from what looks like a fishing boat exploding.

    It was filmed in Jamaica, pictures of the filming surfaced online. Not far from the boat, on the shore, was a huge Cuban revolution mural, so the speculation at the time was that it is part of the Cuba sequence.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    It also looks a lot a like something on the FYEO :007)
  • Revolver66Revolver66 Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 470MI6 Agent
    edited December 2019
    Number24 wrote:
    Someone wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    There's been some talk of Bond dying in NTTD, but I don't think it's "appropriate" for Bond to die. A cliffhanger is OK, but not a clear death. The one on the good side I don't mind gets Killed is Nomi. I've got nothing against the actress or character , I'm just thinking of the real world after effect. I've already seen newspaper articles about who should be the next James Bond where about a third of the suggestions are women, including Lashana Lynch. To avoid rumours about "They're setting Lynch up as James Bond in future films I think it would be best if she got a heroic death in NTTD.

    I agree with Haphazard Stuff's John Clark comments from the James Bond & Friends podcast that it is difficult to see how they square the circle and don't offend anyone by bringing Bond back and giving him the 007 number again. Killing Nomi will attract a huge amount of negativity.

    There are a few things they can do with Nomi. She can resign as a 007, but that was done with Moneypenny and doing it twice will look like a questionable pattern. She can stay in the 00-section with another number assigned. I'm all for female 00- agents, but making her change her double 0 number because of Bond doesn't look too good. Nomi can turn out to be a double agent, but that would be the worst option I think. I don't know how much of negativity killing Nomi will cause. It's entirely possible having Nomi stopping the illan's plan and saving an untold number of people or even saving Bond herself, but losing her life while doing it.
    Out of the possibilities listed I think an heroic death is the best one.

    I wouldn't at all be surprised if they kill Bond and use Lynch's character as his successor. Maybe not to play 'Bond' in future films but more as a symbolic gesture. A passing of the torch. I feel kinda nervous about this, because I would not be surprised if they did it. A The more I think about it the more I feel that this is the way that they have gone
  • Matt SMatt S Oh Cult Voodoo ShopPosts: 6,602MI6 Agent
    Revolver66 wrote:
    Number24 wrote:
    Someone wrote:

    I agree with Haphazard Stuff's John Clark comments from the James Bond & Friends podcast that it is difficult to see how they square the circle and don't offend anyone by bringing Bond back and giving him the 007 number again. Killing Nomi will attract a huge amount of negativity.

    There are a few things they can do with Nomi. She can resign as a 007, but that was done with Moneypenny and doing it twice will look like a questionable pattern. She can stay in the 00-section with another number assigned. I'm all for female 00- agents, but making her change her double 0 number because of Bond doesn't look too good. Nomi can turn out to be a double agent, but that would be the worst option I think. I don't know how much of negativity killing Nomi will cause. It's entirely possible having Nomi stopping the illan's plan and saving an untold number of people or even saving Bond herself, but losing her life while doing it.
    Out of the possibilities listed I think an heroic death is the best one.

    I wouldn't at all be surprised if they kill Bond and use Lynch's character as his successor. Maybe not to play 'Bond' in future films but more a a symbolic gesture. A passing of the torch. I feel kinda nervous about this, because I would not be surprised if they did it. A The more I think about it the more I feel that this is the way that they have gone

    The tone of the trailer doesn't feel like one of doom. I think that if Bond were to die we would have had a trailer with a darker tone.
    Visit my blog, Bond Suits
  • LoeffelholzLoeffelholz The United States, With LovePosts: 8,998Quartermasters
    I certainly hope they don't kill Bond. I do, however, fully envision the 'new 007' not surviving the film. An heroic death, to be sure, but surely we ought not shy away from having a character die to please the PC lobbyists :#
    Check out my Amazon author page! Mark Loeffelholz
    "I am not an entrant in the Shakespeare Stakes." - Ian Fleming
    "Screw 'em." - Daniel Craig, The Best James Bond EverTM
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,044MI6 Agent
    JTM wrote:
    Just having another rewatch of the trailer and noticed this shot.

    Does anyone have any theories on where this fits in the film?? A seaplane flying away from what looks like a fishing boat exploding.
    Someone wrote:
    It was filmed in Jamaica, pictures of the filming surfaced online. Not far from the boat, on the shore, was a huge Cuban revolution mural, so the speculation at the time was that it is part of the Cuba sequence.
    Number24 wrote:
    It also looks a lot a like something on the FYEO
    In the short story Quantum of Solace, before Bond attended the dinner party, he had been in the neighbourhood blowing up two boats delivering arms to Castro's revolutionaries.

    Bond had been sent to "put a stop" to arms shipments to Castro from Jamaica and the Bahamas.
    "Bond had found out about the two big cabin cruisers that were being fitted out for the job, and rather than make arrests when they were about to sail, thus causing an incident, he had chosen a very dark night and crept up on the boats in a police launch. From the deck of the unlighted launch he had tossed a thermite bomb through an open port of each of them. He had then made off at high speed and watched the bonfire from a distance."
    (FYEO, PAN edition, pg 85)
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    I certainly hope they don't kill Bond. I do, however, fully envision the 'new 007' not surviving the film. An heroic death, to be sure, but surely we ought not shy away from having a character die to please the PC lobbyists :#

    I guess it's not impossible they kill Bond in NTTD, but deep down I don't think they will. An ambigious death where it's unclear if de died or not could work, but not a clear death.
  • Revolver66Revolver66 Melbourne, AustraliaPosts: 470MI6 Agent
    Matt S wrote:
    Revolver66 wrote:
    Number24 wrote:

    There are a few things they can do with Nomi. She can resign as a 007, but that was done with Moneypenny and doing it twice will look like a questionable pattern. She can stay in the 00-section with another number assigned. I'm all for female 00- agents, but making her change her double 0 number because of Bond doesn't look too good. Nomi can turn out to be a double agent, but that would be the worst option I think. I don't know how much of negativity killing Nomi will cause. It's entirely possible having Nomi stopping the illan's plan and saving an untold number of people or even saving Bond herself, but losing her life while doing it.
    Out of the possibilities listed I think an heroic death is the best one.

    I wouldn't at all be surprised if they kill Bond and use Lynch's character as his successor. Maybe not to play 'Bond' in future films but more a a symbolic gesture. A passing of the torch. I feel kinda nervous about this, because I would not be surprised if they did it. A The more I think about it the more I feel that this is the way that they have gone

    The tone of the trailer doesn't feel like one of doom. I think that if Bond were to die we would have had a trailer with a darker tone.

    I hope you're right Matt. I would hate to see it happen. I would be surprised if they killed the new 007 if Lynch is indeed playing that role in this film. We shall see though hey!
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Someone wrote:
    The only thing bothering me about the trailer is Blofeld‘s age, he is 73 which is odd considering they were „brothers“ at a young age...

    Which suggests we might see some retconning. I don't think that computer screen is necessarily a computer at MI6 or the Wakefield prison.

    If Safin is the Norway gunmen then whatever evil science SPECTRE has developed may have made Safin younger and equally Waltz's Blofeld.

    In SPECTRE Blofeld says he took his new name from his mother's bloodline. Is Safin from that bloodline? Is Safin a Blofeld? Is Waltz's Blofeld a double for how Safin would look if he had not been made younger?

    Was Madeleine's mother a Blofeld? Is that her secret?

    . . . From the trailer, one can detect hints that could refer to callbacks to both Dr. No (the Japanese vibe) . . .
    Dr. No is half Chinese, half German. Nothing Japanese at all, any more than LeChiffre is German because of fair skin and a Hitler haircut.
  • Gassy ManGassy Man USAPosts: 2,972MI6 Agent
    Perhaps Safin is a clone or whatever and saves Madeline's life when she falls through the ice, perhaps even cloning her, and that's the big secret. Or he's Blofeld.
  • 00730073 COPPosts: 1,061MI6 Agent
    edited December 2019
    Number24 wrote:
    After seeing this screencap I don' belive the two assault suit clad figures are Bond and Nomi:


    And the supressor in his gun is screwed on straight, quite unlike Nomis... :)) :)) :)) (Yes I know it's a rubber prop!)
    "I mean, she almost kills bond...with her ass."
    -Mr Arlington Beech
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    The Bond Experience'a latest video is exclusive video from the updated Bond in Motion exhibit with vehicles, clothes and apparently gadgets from NTTD.

    At about 7min 50sec objects that appear to be strange small mines can be seen in a row in a glass case along with sunglasses and car keys.

    Let the wild speculation begin!
  • ggl007ggl007 SpainPosts: 388MI6 Agent
    Primo's rings and chain.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    If those are ment to be mines they look very cartoonish.
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    If those are ment to be mines they look very cartoonish.

    Anti-vehicle mines dropped by the DB5 in Matera?
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    That's definitely a possibility.
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    edited December 2019
    Now we know another of the early Spectre draft ideas, and not just the Scandinavian villa, have been included in NTTD, namely a possibly duplicitous young female CIA agent, I thought I'd revisit AJB user Markett007's post ( about the early Spectre script ideas discussed in the leaked Sony emails and see what else could fit into NTTD's story, from what we know of it.

    I'll follow what we know of the NTTD story chronology and fit the Sony email leak/early Spectre draft ideas in where I think they would go. I'll give the Wikileaks email numbers in brackets against each leaked idea. The film starts with the Scandinavian villa attack (email 32966) and what is thought to be a young Madeleine.

    After that we have Bond and Madeleine in Matera and Bond fights Dali Benssalah's henchman who is believed to be called Primo and after that Bond goes to Jamaica. I think Primo is the early Spectre draft ideas' character Valenti. In the early Spectre draft ideas emails Valenti is a cage fighter (56934), which I doubt we'll see Primo doing but Primo might be referenced as having been a cage fighter in NTTD.

    Leiter was going to be in Spectre (64219) and in NTTD he sends Bond to Jamaica because he says he can't trust anyone but Bond, and the early Spectre drafts had the idea that the allies, MI6 and CIA, "are being picked apart creating paranoia and suspicion" (24914). We know from the trailer that Nomi warns Bond but he goes to Cuba anyway to work with Paloma and maybe Billy Magnussen's Ashe. In the early Spectre drafts there is a CIA agent called Charlotte (email 63219) who betrays Bond (56934).

    Fukunaga told Empire magazine ( that Paloma may not be trustworthy. We also know from the trailer that Bond and Paloma go to a meeting/party which has been identified on social media as a SPECTRE event by eagle eyed Bond fans. The early Spectre draft ideas included a death mask ball (56934). Did everyone take off their masks just before the gas arrives in that trailer shot? Is this how Bond gets to the centre of the room, they're all wearing masks? And it literally is a death ball. I think Ashe sends them to the ball knowing what it is and who it is.

    The email leak early Spectre draft ideas have Charlotte kill Valenti (32966). Fukunaga told TotalFilm/ that Ana de Armas' role is a cameo ( Does Paloma kill Primo, but Ashe kills Paloma? From the trailer Primo appears to attack a laboratory, maybe Porton Down, and he fights Bond in Matera. If he died in Cuba, this would explain why the Land Rover Defender in Bond in Motion's NTTD exhibit is referred to as Ashe's Defender and not Primo's. Is Safin's double-agent Ashe the main henchman in the third act?

    After Cuba Bond goes to London and meets with Blofeld. In leaked Sony Spectre email 45027 it says that a deciphered code book leads to Blofeld. Is this why Bond goes to London and meets with Blofeld - or is it just because he ended up in a Spectre death ball? We know Bond meets M near Hammersmith bridge from the BTS leak photos and the Sony leaked Spectre draft emails say that M meets Bond in a cemetery (64219). There is a Hammersmith cemetery and it is an old and historic cemetery and Google maps says it's a 20min walk from the bridge, so they could have filmed there. Will M or Bond say the line 'no time to die' in the cemetery? Knowing Ashe betrayed them and killed Paloma may see Bond tell M that some in the CIA are working with Blofeld. There is in an early SPECTRE draft email (56934) that says the CIA is working with Blofeld.

    Why does Bond then leave London and possibly go to Russia? It could be Q is taken hostage, which was an idea in an early SPECTRE draft (24914). Bond appears to end up in Russia driving an SUV with Madeleine on the back seat and being chased by a helicopter. The leaked emails state that Moneypenny is injured (24914) but maybe it's Q instead and Madeleine is helping him?

    We see from the trailer that Bond is in some sort of underground facility. A diamond mine was another early Spectre idea and maybe Safin's lair is in an old diamond mine? Bond and Q are also supposed to escape a collapsing mine (56034). As I speculated in an earlier post ( Safin's appearance in his lair and Blofeld's age discrepancy maybe something to do with a transformation clinic (Sony email 32966) "where people go to be turned into someone else".

    I think we can see that it is possible a lot of the early Spectre ideas are being incorporated into NTTD's storyline. I may be wrong but these other ideas do seem to fit neatly into the story structure we are aware of and two of these ideas (three including Felix Leiter being in NTTD) are already confirmed as being in the film. There are other ideas from the Spectre email leaks which seem unlikely to appear in NTTD. You can read those in Markett007's original post (
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Intersting post, Someone.

    A member of the Other Place has a theory that may be stretching it, but I still find interesting and possible. Most of us belive the car chase filmed in Scotland and on the Atlantic Sea Road is actually set in Norway or Russia. But perhaps it's set in the far east of Russia, on the Sakhalin island? Sakhalin was Japanese until USSR invaded and kept it at the end of WWII. This might explain Safin's (slightly) Russian accent, but also the Japanese influences of his lair. The theory falls a bit appart by the fact that the Japanese subjects were forcebly removed by Stalin in 1944, but Bond movies don't have to be bothered by such details.
    The landscape looks enough like Scotland and the west coast of Norway too.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Intersting post, Someone.

    A member of the Other Place has a theory that may be stretching it, but I still find interesting and possible. Most of us belive the car chase filmed in Scotland and on the Atlantic Sea Road is actually set in Norway or Russia. But perhaps it's set in the far east of Russia, on the Sakhalin island? Sakhalin was Japanese until USSR invaded and kept it at the end of WWII. This might explain Safin's (slightly) Russian accent, but also the Japanese influences of his lair. The theory falls a bit appart by the fact that the Japanese subjects were forcebly removed by Stalin in 1944, but Bond movies don't have to be bothered by such details.
    The landscape looks enough like Scotland and the west coast of Norway too.

    The nearby Kuril islands are also Japanese territory occupied by the Russians since WWII. I suggested that Safin's lair was on one of the Kuril islands in this post.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    the Kuril islands look less like the west coast of Norway than the Sakhalin mainland does, but technically we agree because it's the same Oblast (region, county). I'd say it's a posibility, but I still think western Russia or (hopefully) Norway is more likely.
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    edited December 2019
    Aparently some shots from the air were filmed of the Faroe islands. They look a lot like the Kuril ilands.
  • caractacus pottscaractacus potts Orbital communicator, level 10Posts: 4,044MI6 Agent
    I'm really liking these clues that hint at a You Only Live Twice type plot, and a Japanese island near the coast of Russia (or vice versa as it were) fits quite nicely.

    But where did all this talk of algae come from?
    So far that's the only hint there's a "garden" involved, and I don't remenber why everybody started talking about algae.

    You know all the rumours about cloning/unnaturally-extending-the-lifespan supports the You Only Live Twice title too, even thought that's not really the title of course.
  • JTMJTM Posts: 3,027MI6 Agent
    But where did all this talk of algae come from?
    So far that's the only hint there's a "garden" involved, and I don't remenber why everybody started talking about algae.

    Over the few months it's been mentioned on here, I've just thought the algae thing came from possible plot points for Spectre, sourced from those leaked emails a while back, but it seems like I might be remembering that wrong—a search of AJB for posts containing "algae' show that it started here as a rumour and then after the trailers that rumour spread with the shots of the apparent "algae farm".
  • JTMJTM Posts: 3,027MI6 Agent
    Ahh well there we go. I wouldn’t usually trust DailyMail but this article was back in Oct and the trailer just released seems to back up what their “source” is saying about the presence of a farm.
  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    Number24 wrote:
    Aparently some shots from the air were filmed of the Faroe islands. They look a lot like the Kuril ilands.

  • SomeoneSomeone Posts: 1,554MI6 Agent
    Thanks to Number24 for the Youtube version, I'd only seen the Facebook version of this Q, character based, TV spot-like teaser.

    Apart from further insights into the layout of Q's house, what's interesting is that Bond is asking Q for a plane "to get there" and it's on that first day back for Bond, he's still in the white shirt, grey suit outfit, the day, or possibly days, before Bond meets Blofeld and M and Tanner. So, now we know Bond has already decided what he wants to do by the time he gets to London. Blofeld, Madeleine, M, Q or Moneypenny are not providing some new bit of info that sends him on the next part of his journey.

    And what is that thing on Q's desk?
  • Number24Number24 NorwayPosts: 22,156MI6 Agent
    Perhaps "there" is the Kuril islands or Africa?

    I like the teaser/TV spot. It's witty and unusual for Bond. I wonder if we'll get teasers in the same style with Miss Moneypenny and Leiter too?
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